Das Institut für Software and Systems Engineering hat einen neuen Mitarbeiter bekommen. Herr Nour Habib verstärkt die Forschungsgruppe Dependable and Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems.
Und weil wir Nourerst seit kurzem kennen, lassen wir ihn einfach selbst zu Wort kommen:
Nour Habib, M.Sc.
Hello everyone,
Hello everyone,
I am excited to introduce myself as a new researcher employee at ISSE. My name is Nour Habib, and I am thrilled to be a part of this vibrant academic community.
I completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Tischreen University, Syria. and then pursued a Master's degree in Computer Science at TU Clausthal. During my Master's degree, I worked on applications such as generative adversarial networks for quantitive monitoring, and trajectory planning for autonomous safe driving. discovered my passion for Artificial intelligence, which led me to pursue in the same field.
As a new member of the team at group -DACS in ISSE, I am eager to contribute to the ongoing research with the research group -DACS and collaborate with my colleagues to further our understanding of Autonomous driving systems. My research interests lie in deep learning, computer-vison, and Quantive Monitoring, and I am excited to explore these areas further.
I am honored to have this opportunity and I look forward to engaging with the research groups and learning from the perspectives of others.
Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction.
Wir freuen uns riesig auf die kommende Zusammenarbeit und wünschen Nour alles Gute und viel Erfolg!