Innovative technologies and services lab
Everything is evolving, such as our society and software systems. New technologies grows up and create completely new possibilities.
- Drones
- Internet of Things
- Blockchain and many more …
Social changes and challenges
- Sharing Economy
- Sustainability
- Digitalization
The Lab
Provides Hardware and components to build and develop new Services and hardware assemblies for different cases E.g. Smart Home & Smart City Components, Sensor platforms, Sharing Services.
Our aim is to develop movable and location-independent sensor platforms based on Drone technology.
Integrates the different services and solutions into one ecosystem -> Harz digital Ecosystem
- Big Data
- Mobility
- Sharing
Be part of tomorrow !
Build together with us a new Harz digital Ecosystem!
We are looking for YOU!
Master/ Bachelor Thesis opportunities!
Or just use our lab infrastructure in your free time!